About Us

About Us

Hi, I’m Razani

 I am the founder of Talksofme. I am passionate about personal development, and I hope that you are too.


 I enjoy being in and around the books, listening solo music, and watching great motivational and educational material. I enjoy taking what I have learned from this material and applying it to my personal and professional life. And I’m also a freelance writer.

Actually, life is complicated and brings with it both beautiful and horrible experiences. The experiences that we have shape our world, our personality, the way we perceive things, the way we interact with people, how we trust, and how we act.


So, what’s this blog all about

I created this space to share with you Talksofme and its about talk of own, self and most favorite ways to live a healthy, happy life, tips and behind the scenes many researches, life experience, meeting people and how to create a successful blog.

If you want to live in fairy-tale just click on fiction station.

If you’d like to learn a little more about my journey of life hack check out my lifestyle article.

If you’ve afraid of fall in love let me show you why I love it so. 

I believe that personal development is an exciting lifelong process as well as a wonderful journey of self-discovery. Look on Self-esteem.

Then check out how we enter in virtual world find first internet safety.

 I am the owner of Facebook pages “Talksofme” It is my sincere wish that Talksofme will inspire you to believe in your goals, believe in your dreams, believe in yourself and have plenty of fun along the way. I usually post a new article or collection of quotes 2-4 times a week, if you would like me to send these directly to your email inbox.

Get in touch with Talksofme

Location- Kathmandu Nepal
Call us- +9779866204447
Email -talksofme@gmail.com
Skype- razani rajbanshi

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